Something that is very important to be able to convey when asking people for money, is what their money would be impacting and actually going towards. I was expecting to be seeing the maternity ward in mid-build when I go to visit in the spring. However, the actual building of the ward is being postponed until a little bit later in the spring so in the meantime we had to come up with other ideas of how to support women and babies in childbirth until the clinic is up and running.
So although we are still fundraising for the clinic, we are now also thinking of raising money for mother-helper kits which is a little sanitary kit with gloves and sanitary wipes. One of the main causes of death among women in childbirth is that many births are done at home in unsanitary conditions. And even if the women are fortunate enough to make it to a clinic, if they do not bring their own gloves, the doctor will use their bare hands. This leads to a lot of disease and infection for the mothers.
So how could I be a part of this?
Well, when I go to visit in the spring, I would be traveling around with John Kahlule and be giving out/ meeting the women who will be receiving this help. There is also the need to train midwives in order to train the women and the doctors in the clinic, which I will be looking into!
I am so excited to see where these new ideas and progress take us!
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